----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:17 PM
Subject: Fort Discovery - New Videos Uploaded!

Dear family, friends, citizens and business associates:


Larry Carter Announces Campaign for State Representative in the 24th District


Port Ludlow, WA - The 24th legislative district needs a representative who will listen to the people – not to the I-5 Corridor special interests. “Therefore, I am announcing my campaign for State Representative for Washington‘s 24th Legislative District, Position 2,” candidate Larry Carter announced today.

“My opponent, Lynn Kessler, has been in Olympia for a long time and that can take a toll on anyone.  But which has been a bigger priority for her, maintaining her Majority Leader position, which requires considerable compromise, or representing the district?  On February 19, 2010, she looked me square in the eye and told me that she would set aside I-960 and impose a tax increase on the people in Washington State.  Not one word about going to the root of the problem … massive state spending,” Carter says.

“I grew up in Louisiana, where most folks were conservative Democrats who supported economic growth and development and believed the government worked best when it simply left us alone.  The representatives in Washington State seem to believe only the government knows what is best for our checkbooks, property, and children.  They’re wrong.

“Washington State is heavily in debt because the current leadership has ignored the warnings.  We need new and creative leadership at the helm now more than ever.” Carter, a retired Navy Command Master Chief, has that leadership. A Command Master Chief, he explains, is very involved in financial and project management, and with personnel issues.  Earlier in his career, he ran nuclear power plants on submarines, aircraft carriers and cruisers, and taught nuclear power plant operations and theory to student operators during two tours of duty at a Nuclear Power Training Unit in Idaho Falls, ID.

Throughout his Navy career Carter built teams. “My success in the Navy can be attributed to the outstanding support I received from the teams that I built and led.  Working with the legislature also requires teamwork.  And for the past legislative session, the conservatives have been excluded from that team by the Legislative Majority Leader,”  he says.

Carter and his wife, Bugsy, “are building teams to launch a new kind of campaign,” he says. “Please join my campaign where fund-raising is taken off the table;  where the people of District 24 take the lead in getting this message out to everyone in the district.” Carter’s goal is a true grass-roots campaign. “A legislator shouldn’t be beholden to any special interests,” he stresses. “I want to represent all the people of the 24th legislative district as their state legislator.  I will accept no contributions from Political Parties, Corporations, NGOs, or individuals.  I want your vote, not your money.”


Please contact Larry by email larry@newwaycampaign.com or telephone 360-301-2264 if you are willing to assist him in his campaign to bring financial sanity and personal responsibility back to the 24th District, and Washington State.


WA Supreme Court Justice Sanders to Speak Monday Night at CAPR Meeting at Tri-Area Community Center


Why is the City of Port Townsend Denying Vintage Hardware Access to HWY 20?   



Other News:


·        Washington State Court of Appeals summons additional information from SSNW, regarding HE decision?

·        SSNW hearing moved to May 10, due to criminal case, Jefferson County attempting to hold SSNW to 19 employees and restricting law enforcement officers from shooting at its gun ranges...does Jefferson County regulate who can shoot at the Jefferson County Sportsmen Club?

·        Need ammunition?  SSNW is an approved Winchester dealer info@ssnwhq.com "SSNW helping citizens shoot more for less"  

·        Interested in learning how to do Public Records Request?  Contact Jeffco101 at Jeffco101@yahoo.com


What’s going on in Jefferson County?  Watch Jeffco101 and find out. 


New Videos Uploaded:


        April 12, 2010, Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners - Public Comment (click on link below)

Ø Jim Boyer - EPA Grant - Video of the Week!

Ø Paul Richmond - Public Comment/District Attorney

Ø Larry Carter - Unemployment/Jobs

Ø Joe D'Amico - Trust

Ø Dennis Schultz - EPA Grant

Ø George Yount - Water Shed Resource Center

Ø Jim Fritz - Unemployment in Jefferson County


Upcoming Meetings/Events:


          April 19, 2010, 0900 hrs, Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Meeting; View the Agenda


ü 0901   - Public Comment                    (up to 30 minutes);

ü             - Commissioners Briefing       (time and duration indeterminate);

ü             - Regular Agenda                    (time and duration indeterminate);

ü             - Recess to lunch;

ü 1330   - County Administrator Briefing (duration indeterminate).


         April 19, 2010,  Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights, 18:00 hrs Tri-Area Center; Special Guest/Speaker: WA Supreme Court Justice Sanders

          April 20, 2010, Dept. of Ecology (DOE) SMP Public Hearing, 1700, Open House, 1900 (7pm) Public Comment,  Fort Worden Commons

                                      Can’t attend the hearing?
Send written comments to Mr. Jeffree Stewart, Regional Planner for DOE Email: jeff.stewart@ecy.wa.gov


          April 21, 2010, Board Budget Committee Meeting, 1st Floor Conf. Room, 0830 hrs, Jefferson County Courthouse                  

         May 28, 2010, Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts, Port Angeles;

         August 14, 2010, Fort Discovery Picnic, 1200 hrs, USN SAR Helicopter, 56th US Army Band, Airlift NW, USN EOD Bangor, US Border Patrol, SSNW ATFP Boat, Jefferson County         Fire District #5, Clallam Fire Dist #3, Jefferson County Sheriff's Department and Costco. 


Over 13,565 Jeffco101 channel views from concerned citizens


Listen to citizens speak about the real issues in Jefferson County.  Watch for yourself and see what actually happens with your own eyes and ears. Forward this email to your family and friends.


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Joe D'Amico, Editor
